Statement of Facts – Part 6 – 9

AUGUST 21, 2017

( Referring to Document # 80 ) 305 days passes ( 11 months ) when the Applicant hands in a Maintenance Request Form to have her ceiling in the bathroom repaired.

During these previous 305 days ( 11 months ) Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy makes absolutely no attempts to bring in a contractor to repair the Applicants bathroom ceiling, replace the stove or replace the missing outside storm window in the Applicant unit.

( Referring to Document # 57, 58 ) It appears that Alto Properties Inc. owner Luigi Liscio, Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy conveniently interrupted Applicants previous letter dated October 17, 2016

“ If anyone wants access to my unit for the bathroom, in which you started and did not finish since I first moved in, back in June 2015. I will except a few dates to choose from, and I will choose from these same dates and times to let you know what works for me and my family. “, “ So from this date forward we will WORK together to ensure that things are done properly and respectfully of everyone schedules and rights. “

as a refusal of entry, instead of a request to work cooperatively after the Applicant and her family were scheduled on 3 different occasions for appointments and where left sitting around waiting for hours even though the dates where changed/cancelled, and they were not notified until of the cancelation after the fact by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy herself.

So instead of Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy trying to work cooperatively with the Applicant after all the inconveniencing and harassment towards the Applicant and her family.   Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy decided that it was better to continue to inconvenience the Applicant by not repairing the bathroom ceiling, replacing the stove or replacing the missing outside storm window.  

But instead Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy decided to ignore the Applicant for the next 305 days, rather than speak to their contractors to get a few dates and times and just offer them to the Applicant.

So why did Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy reject idea of working cooperating with the Applicant and ignore her for 305 days?

It appears that…

  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy enjoy the idea that the Applicant and her family having to live with their bathroom ceiling falling apart.
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy relish the idea that the Applicant and her family having to live with no stove.
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy got pleasure in the idea that the Applicant and her family having had to live with the unit being cold in fall, spring and winter.
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy got delight in the idea of again she was inconveniencing the Applicant and her family in so many ways.
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy consider the Applicant’s previous statements as her way of trying to tell her how to do her job and therefore Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy decided to do nothing to show the Applicant who the boss really was.
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy hoped that the Applicant would get tired of her racist and prejudice treatment and would just move out.

The Applicant stated on her Maintenance Request Form “  The ceiling of the bathroom needs repairing. The plaster is falling apart. Has been like that for a year and half and is yet to be completed. “

The Applicant checks off the Urgent Box as to hopefully get the work done A.S.A.P. as this problem has been ongoing since September 2015 and since Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy took over the building a year and half ago in July 2016.

AUGUST 22, 2017

( Referring to Document # 81, 82, 83 ) The following day Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy places and  an information package to Applicant in her mailbox in regards to her Maintenance Request Form sent in the day before. The information package contained a letter address to the Applicant, Notice of Entry dated for August 24, 2017, a photograph of the Applicants Maintenance Request Form.

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy stated in her letter “ We hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the end of the summer! We are writing to you in response to the maintenance request/entry form we received from you this morning August 22, 2017 in the office drop box. I noted on the form that you checked off this item as urgent, so I am sending you the enclosed information sheet I printed out from the RentSafeTO website concerning service requests so you are aware for future issues.  When completing the forms in future, please note we also require the time of the request filled in as well. Link for the information is below: You can also type in search “rentsafeto” and it will come up. It http:/// I will be inspecting the bathroom ceiling on Thursday August 24, 2017 between 2 — 5 pm, as per the Notice of Entry also enclosed. Once we have an idea of work needed we can arrange for a contractor if it’s extensive, or Russell if it’s minor, to complete the repairs. As noted on the entry form, I may need to take pictures so please remove any personal items from the area so they are not in the frame. While we are arranging for the bathroom ceiling repairs I will also be arranging for a glass company to install the missing glass in the living room window before the cold weather come again. Notice of Entry will be given once a date is scheduled for both these items. Please note: It stated that we have to respond to non-urgent requests within 7 days. This means we have to respond to you within that timeframe and let you know what we are doing about your request, not have the work completed. ”

It appears that again Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy could not miss another opportunity to be a bully by lecturing the Applicant about her vase knowledge on how to run an apartment building. Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy also took this opportunity to bully and lecture the Applicant about the use of the urgent and non-urgent boxes on the Maintenance Service Request Form.

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy wrote 11 lines out of the possible 18 about the use of the urgent and non-urgent boxes. That equates to Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy spent 61% of the letter correcting the Applicants use of the Urgent Box and not the Non-Urgent Box and not about getting the ceiling fixed.

It also appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy also took the time to take a picture of the Applicants Maintenance Request Form, print it to prove to her that she did in fact check of the Urgent box and not the Non-urgent box.

It is unclear to the Applicant as to why Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy printed up a picture of her Maintenance Request Form and she just did not photocopy the actual form itself?

And as if lecturing the Applicant on the use of the Urgent Box was not enough, Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy decides to go onto the internet and takes the time to search the City of Toronto’s website to find the Tenant Service Requests Requirements for building owners and prints it up to also give the Applicant.

It is this type of Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour or OCD that is not normal behaviour. Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy had no reason other than to be a bully to go through so much work to address a simple checked box unless she had some personal agenda to enforce and prove her vase knowledge on being a superintendent.

It is this type of Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour or OCD that is not normal behaviour. Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy had no reason other than to be a bully to go through so much work to address a simple checked box unless she had some personal agenda to enforce how stupid the Applicant must be as she is               “ Black ”

It is clear that combining the two above statements, Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour or OCD is due to the fact that she wants the “ Black ” Applicant to know she is in charge and why that is.

So instead of Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy just stating in her letter to the Applicant that she might have made an error when checking the boxes, or just ignoring the issue all together. Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy seized the opportunity to try and show how knowledgeable she was in regards to be a superintendent and how the Applicant was irresponsible and careless for not knowing what was the appropriate box when checking.

And Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy even stated “ When completing the forms in future, please note we also require the time of the request filled in as well “

There is absolutely no need for this statement by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy. How does the lack of a hand written time interfere with the work getting done?

Again this was just another one of Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy Obsessive Compulsive behaviour or OCD moments where she gets to feel good about herself by telling the Applicant what to do and how to do it. It is Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy way of showing the Applicant who again is in charge in the building.

Let us also note that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy, stated that the Applicant must put the time in. This is a self-imposed requirement by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy. She even tries to convenience the Applicant of this requirement by supplying a web link to support her false claims. Expect the fake link does not support her claims as it did not even work. 

The Applicants husband did some quick searching and found the correct link, which looks nothing like the Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy  supplied;

( Referring to Document # 84) and the Applicant and her husband noted that it says 

Requirements for building owners

A record should be created for each request and must include:

  • date and time of service request
  • location of issue (including unit number)
  • nature of issue
  • tenant name and contact information
  • determination of urgent or non-urgent request
  • any response or action taken by building owner.
  • You must be able to provide a copy of the information collected from the tenant.
  • You must keep copies of all responses made by the owner or operator in relation to the service request. 

It is actually under the City of Toronto requirements that the building owners/superintendents keep the “ date and time of service request

Now this may appear as inconspicuous and not relevant, but it again goes back to the pattern of behaviour by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy always lying to get what she wants. Just like her Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour about BBQ’s in the building where she has on numerously and deliberately on occasion threatened tenants with legal action if they did not remove their BBQ’s and quoted a City of Toronto bylaw where she has clearly and obviously taken 2 different segments of two different bylaws to make up her own bylaw to try and justify her Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour need to get rid of the Applicants BBQ.

She again is trying to mislead the Applicant with a fake link that does not work and states that time is require by HER, the Applicant to be on a Maintenance Request Forms if work is to get done.

Again, it appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy enjoys the idea of lecturing the Applicant just for the sake of lecturing her and trying to show her that she is in charge and to not challenge her authority that has been given to her by Alto Properties Inc. owners Luigi Liscio and his son Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio.

Why it is that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy takes every opportunity to lecture the Applicant?

Maybe it is because Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy feels threatened by the Applicant and her husband?

Maybe it is because the Applicant is “ Black ” and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy feels because of her skin tone, she needs to be put in place in regards to Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy pecking order as to who is the smart one and who is the stupid one.

Maybe it is because Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy feels that when she makes up facts and presents them to the Applicant, she figures that she is too stupid to catch them and therefore Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy feels good about herself knowing that she outsmarted the “ Black ” Applicant.

Maybe it is because Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy wants to send an indirect message to the “ Black ” Applicant that just because you’re in a relationship with a Caucasian male, it does not raise your IQ or acceptance/status with her. ( Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy )

AUGUST 23, 2017

( Referring to Document # 85 )The Applicant sends Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy an email at 10:52 expressing her concerns about the visit. “ Hello Stella, I received the letter and the notice of entry. I do not understand why you need to come and see what needs to be done and then make the necessary arrangements to have the work done. Seeing that this is not a new problem you saw the ceiling late year when you came to do your yearly inspection. And did none thing. Just thought that you all were just coming to fix the problem not come take a look and I have to wait again. Not sure for how long this time. Anyways see you tomorrow. ”

AUGUST 24, 2017

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy knocks on the Applicants door, the Applicants husband opens the door and greets Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy with a “ Hey.”  Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy makes a joke about their dog barking and no one being able to go near their door.

The Applicants husband asked “ where is the contractor? ” Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy replied that “ Array was not here today ” and that she could “ prove ” that she or he was working at another of Alto Properties Inc. building that day.

It was at this point the Applicant began to smell alcohol on Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy breath.

As the Applicants husband has never used any form of alcohol in his entire life, and there was no other person present during this conversation. It is clear where the smell of alcohol was coming from, Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy.

The Applicants husband replied that “ you’s have looked  at it 4 times ” and theAlto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy replied  “ I haven’t! ” and the Applicants husband corrected her and said “ You looked at it last  year. ”

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy replied “ I may have last year ” 

At this point the Applicants husband knew that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy had been drinking, as she could not recall looking at their unit back on October 4, 2016 where she made notes of all the issues in the Applicants unit.

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy on two occasions either stated she did not or could not remember viewing the problem of the bathroom ceiling in the Applicants unit.

The Applicant explained that he was tired of Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy always showing up at the door promising things to get done, and then nothing happens. He stated “ Get a hold of the contractor, and you’s can come at 9:00am anytime next week ”  The Applicants husband went on to say “ you have been here all day, and now you want to show up at 3:30.”

The Applicants husband continued “ You could come here at 9:00am, but you didn’t. “

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy replied “ I wasn’t here! ” The Applicants husband replied “ You could have easily called and said can I come at 8:00am?, but you didn’t. Instead you do this 2 to 5 shit and have me waiting here all day. ”

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy replied “ I just got back! ” The Applicants husband replied “ Before you left you could have come here. Instead you have me sit here all day waiting for you, thinking I have nothing to do. ”

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy replied that she was now going to call the City of Toronto “ Property Inspector for their area ” on the Applicant and her husband. The Applicants husband replied “ I will get in contact with the city and I will deal with it.  You’re a damn racist, it’s all the black people you are giving the problems too, you’re a damn bigot, As simple as that, you’re a bigot, I will deal with your accordingly, you’re a bigot and a racist. ” and then closed the unit door.

Now Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy actions could appear as inconspicuous and not relevant to the Applicant Human Rights case, but upon reviewing all  her previous actions since June 2016,  it is clear that Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was again trying to inconvenience the Applicant and her family.

The quick facts are that on;

  • July 25, 2015 to August 4, 2015 – Alto Properties Inc. owner Luigi Liscio and Alto Properties Inc. employee Angie view the bathroom ceiling.
  • August 5, 2015 – Alto Properties Inc. employee Angie has a brief discussion about the bathroom ceiling with the Applicant husband.
  • August 31, 2016 to September 7, 2015 – Alto Properties Inc. employee Chris has a brief discussion about the bathroom ceiling with the Applicant husband.
  • August 31, 2015 to September 7, 2015 – Alto Properties Inc. owner Luigi Liscio has a brief discussion about the bathroom ceiling with the Applicant husband while Alto Properties Inc. employee Chris is present.
  • August 31, 2015 to September 7, 2015 – Alto Properties Inc. owner Luigi Liscio has a 2nd brief discussion about the bathroom ceiling with the Applicant husband.
  • June 2016 – Alto Properties Inc. employee Angie and Alto Properties Inc. employee Chris have a brief discussion about the bathroom ceiling with the Applicant husband.
  • August 19, 2016 – Alto Properties Inc. owner Luigi Liscio has a brief discussion about the bathroom ceiling with the Applicant husband while Alto Properties Inc. employee Russell Reddy is present.
  • October 4, 2016 – Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy has a brief discussion about the bathroom ceiling with the Applicant husband.
  • October 7, 2016 – Alto Properties Inc. employee Russell Reddy has a brief discussion about the bathroom ceiling with the Applicant husband.

This is 9 different occasions when someone from Alto Properties Inc. viewed and discussed with the Applicants husband about getting the bathroom ceiling fixed.

And still on August 24, 2017 all Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy wanted to do is take pictures of the Applicants bathroom ceiling to show her husband, Alto Properties Inc. employee Russell Reddy who she lives with in unit #404 so he can see if he can repair it.

( Referring to Document # 82 )This is confirmed in the letter dated August 22, 2017 to the Applicant where Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy stated that her 1st choice to repair the Applicants bathroom ceiling was her husband Alto Properties Inc. employee Russell Reddy. “ Once we have an idea of work needed we can arrange for a contractor if it’s extensive, or Russell if it’s minor, to complete the repairs. ”

With this now established why did Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy show up at the Applicant unit without her husband Alto Properties Inc. employee Russell Reddy at her side? He was in the building that day, the Applicants husband seen him cleaning up the garbage area outside the building about 1 hour before Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy appeared at the unit door.

Again we have more questionable and problematic actions by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy who is again deliberately using the worse possible method of trying to get the Applicants bathroom ceiling repaired.

As Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy stated in her letter dated August 22, 2017 to the Applicant, that her husband, Alto Properties Inc. employee Russell Reddy was 1st in line to repair the bathroom ceiling “ if it is minor “ and “ if it’s extensive “she will “ arrange for a contractor “

What was the purpose of Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy taking pictures? Was she planning to show her husband the pictures? Would it not have been easier for Alto Properties Inc. employee Russell Reddy to just accompany his wife, Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy to view the Applicants bathroom ceiling instead of viewing the pictures her phone?

It again appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was just trying to prolong the repairs and inconvenience the Applicant and her family again with the senseless August 24, 2017 visit.

It was determined back on October 4, 2016 ( 318 days earlier ) by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy during her yearly Inspection that a contractor was need to fix the Applicants bathroom ceiling.

It appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy believed on August 24, 2017 that the problem did not get worse since her yearly inspection over a year earlier on October 4, 2016. That in fact it MIGHT have just repaired itself enough that a contractor may not have been needed and that her husband Alto Properties Inc. employee Russell Reddy could now repair the bathroom ceiling.

These deliberate and malicious actions by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy once again clearly show again that she was doing everything within her power to inconvenience and harass the Applicant and her family.

( Referring to Document # 86 ) At 3:53pm Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy sends out an email to Suzanna Mlakar “ Good Afternoon Suzanna,  I hope this email finds you well. I am having an issue here at 859 Kennedy Rd with the tenants of 303, the leaseholder, and her partner, whos name I don’t know. They gave us a work order for some ceiling repairs needed in the bathroom yesterday morning and as they asked for 24 hours notice, I issued one for entry today between 2 pm – 5 pm. I just knocked on their door and they refused entry. First when the gentlemen answered the door, he asked where the contractor was and I said I needed to check what work was needed as if it’s too extensive we would have to call a contractor but if it was minor Russell could do it. He got very irate, called me a bigot and a racist. Said that I was out to get the black people in the building. He asked why I wasn’t there at 9 am this morning as I live in the building yet I made him wait all day on purpose. I explained I was in Etobicoke till now, that I just got back, and he said I should have been there for 8 am this morning then before I left.  This is not the first issue I have had with these tenants and I thought it might be helpful if you, or someone from your office, could come for entry with me to their unit explain to them how this works. When I walked away, they said they were complaining to your office there at Property Standards.  I will be issuing a Form N5 for interference and I am checking out how I can file a complaint against them for human rights as they are always calling me a bigot and racist. I even have it in writing from last year.

Please let me know what you are able to do. “

So it appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy again takes this opportunity to cast the Applicant and her husband in a negative light and taint Suzanna Mlakar against them as she had previously done with Alto Properties Inc. owners.

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy tells Suzanna Mlakar that the Applicants husband was “ irate “ even though he clearly was not.

Reading this email, Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy clearly expresses only her side of events.  Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy’s agenda is clearly to have Suzanna Mlakar believe that the Applicant and her husband are being totally unreasonable and uncooperative. What Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy conveniently does not do is explain everything in more detail as to what has transpired in the past and her conduct.

It is clear that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy statements are self-serving and designed to inflict the worse possible light on the Applicant with Suzanna Mlakar.

It appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy is very concerned about convincing Suzanna Mlakar that she is not a “ racist and a bigot. ” 

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy also stated “and I am checking out how I can file a complaint against them for human rights as they are always calling me a bigot and racist. I even have it in writing from last year. ”

It appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy wants to imply to Suzanna Mlakar that because she wants to file with the Human Rights Tribunal, there is no possible way she could be “ a racist and a bigot ” because if she was, why would she put herself out there with the Human Rights Tribunal?

( Referring to Document # 87 ) Later that evening at 6:19pm Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy sends a ranting email to Alto Properties Inc. owner Luigi Liscio and Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio where she stated: “ Good Evening Gentlemen, It happened again. I knocked on 303 when I returned and the man there, Charles Darwin it says on application, went ballistic on me again, refused entry, and accusing me of being racist, a bigot, and out to get all the black people in the building. All because I didn’t have a contractor with me to complete the bathroom ceiling repairs after me notifying them in letter that the work needed to be assessed to either be done by staff if minor, or a contractor if extensive. He asked why I wasn’t there at 9:00 am this morning, as I also live in the building, and when I responded I was at other properties all day and just returned, he said I should have been there for 8 am before I left. He said I deliberately made him wait around all day. He said that we are not going in and out of their apartment at different times and that I am to have a contractor there for 9 am to complete the work. I was very calm and walked away and he was throwing these accusations at me at the time. I had Russell save the video from the system and I have pics of me at their door as well. Sorry Anthony, I can’t take this lying down anymore and I filed a personal complaint with the Human Rights against them for their behaviour. It is already gone as it was the first thing I did when I got home. They need to learn that just because she is black, they can’t throw out these accusations of racism and bigotry against people who don’t give them what they want or do things the way they want. This is their fall back to intimidate me to do things their way and I can’t do it anymore. The fact that they made all these accusations last year and nothing was done about it, they think they can keep it up and get away with it and it needs to stop.  It is up to you but as for the job part and doing my duty to the building, I can issue a Form N5 for interring with the landlords interests and privileges for refusing entry and harassing the staff over how the repairs are done. They are treating the apartment as their personal property and acting like they have a say in how its managed. I would love to take them to the tribunal and have an adjudicator see how they talk and the accusation they make against me. I have emailed Suzanna Mlarkar at Property Standards and got a auto reply that she is away till Sept 27 so I will call in the morning to see about getting a inspector to come with me to access the apartment and explain to the tenants how it works for their office in getting repairs done in an apartment. I hope that having someone else there, like property standards, they will see we are following the rules. How they feel I am being racist by not having a contractor with me today I have no idea.  Regards, Stella “

It was not until the Applicant and her husband receive this email from  Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy herself in September 2017,  that they now begin to understand what has behind Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour or OCD to have the Applicant and her family removed from the building.

Again it is this type of Obsessive Compulsive behaviour or OCD in her email again shows an unmoral behaviour by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy.

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy stated “ Sorry Anthony, I can’t take this lying down anymore and I filed a personal complaint with the Human Rights against them for their behaviour. It is already gone as it was the first thing I did when I got home. They need to learn that just because she is black, they can’t throw out these accusations of racism and bigotry against people who don’t give them what they want or do things the way they want. This is their fall back to intimidate me to do things their way and I can’t do it anymore. The fact that they made all these accusations last year and nothing was done about it, they think they can keep it up and get away with it and it needs to stop. “

Upon reading the above paragraph from Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy email, the Applicant and her husband and now the Human Rights Tribunal can see that;

  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy does not approve of being accused of being a racist and/or a bigot especially by a “ Black ” individual.
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy believes that because the Applicant is “ Black ” that this is only motivation for the “ accusations,” against her and not because of her own racist and prejudice behaviour towards the “ Black ” Applicant and her family.
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy believes that the “ Black ” Applicant is using her skin tone to try and force her into compliance with what she, the “ Black ” Applicant wants.
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy believes that the “ Black ” Applicant is also using her skin tone to try and “ intimidate” her into compliance with what she, the “ Black ” Applicant wants.
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy believes that “ the fact that they ( the “ Black ” Applicant ) made all these accusations last year and nothing was done about it, they think they can keep it up and get away with it and it needs to stop. ”
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy believes that the “ Black “ Applicant is “ treating the apartment as their personal property and acting like they have a say in how its managed. “
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy is troubled and upset with BOTH Alto Properties Inc. owners because “ they ( the “ Black ” Applicant ) made all these accusations last year and nothing was done about it, “
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy believes the “ Black ” Applicant  “ needs to  learn ” a teacher her that there are consequences for making “ accusations,” against her.
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy suggested filing a “ Form N5 for interring with the landlords interests and privileges for refusing entry and harassing the staff over how the repairs are done.” And “ would  love to take them (the “ Black ” Applicant  ) to the tribunal and have an adjudicator see how they talk and the accusation they make against me. ”

Again this paragraph could appear as inconspicuous and not relevant to the Applicant Human Rights case, but upon viewing the wording and taking into context everything that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy has done and said in past to inconvenience the Applicant and her family. This email takes a life of its own.

Note that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy never makes reference to the Applicants husband and his skin-tone. It appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy no issue with a Caucasian man calling her a racist and a bigot, as she only refers to the Applicant and her skin tone during her email where she goes on a racist and bigot rant.

Upon reading where Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy stated “ they ( the “ Black ” Applicant ) made all these accusations last year and nothing was done about it, ” we now understand what the tipping point was when Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy decided that she would now just take matters into her own hands as she obviously felt that Alto Property Inc. owner Luigi Liscio and his son Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio did not come to her defence at the time back on August 31, 2016 when the Applicant forwarded her 1st letter in regards to her conduct towards the Applicant and her family.

It is clear that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was expecting Alto Property Inc. owner Luigi Liscio and his son Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio to come to her defence and help her. But the question here is, what did she want them to do?

Did Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy want Alto Property Inc. owner Luigi Liscio and his son Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio to put in writing that they knew that she was not a racist and a bigot?

Did Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy want Alto Property Inc. owner Luigi Liscio and his son Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio to scold the Applicant for making such accusations?

Did Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy want Alto Property Inc. owner Luigi Liscio and his son Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio to give her permission to file with the Landlord and Tenant Board and the Human Rights tribunal and they refused to allow her?

What the Applicant and her husband do know according to Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy racist and bigot email is that she “ would love to take them to the tribunal and have an adjudicator see how they talk and the accusation they make against me. ”

At this point it becomes obvious that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour or OCD is color motivated. She clearly stated that the ONLY reason she wants to take the Applicant to the Tribunal for a N5 – interring with the landlords interests and privileges for refusing entry and harassing the staff over how the repairs are done.” is to explain to the “ ADJUDICATOR HOW THEY TALK AND THE ACCUSATIONS THEY MAKE AGAINST ME. ”

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy makes absolutely no reference to wanting to take the Applicant to the Landlord and Tenant board for anything else other than to try and have an adjudicator rule in her favor that she is not a racist or a bigot.

It also appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy wanted to use the this one of the eight tribunals that make up Social Justice Tribunals Ontario as a way to make it “ stop ”,or at least try and  silence the Applicant in her attempts to bring awareness to Alto Property Inc. owner Luigi Liscio and his son Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio of her very racist and bigot behaviour towards her, the “ Black ” Applicant and her family.

The question that the Human Rights Tribunal has to ask is, why was Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy so motivated to try and make it “ stop ”?

Was Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy fearful that  because the “ Black ” Applicant keeps bringing up her racist and prejudice behaviour to the owners attention, that she was now fearful of losing her job?

This would be a very logical explanation was to why Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was so determined and motivational to get rid of the Applicant and her family from the building.

Now let us discuss where Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy stated “ They need to learn that just because she is black, they can’t throw out these accusations of racism and bigotry against people ”

It appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy believes that if you are a “ black ”, or maybe even any form of non-white, you are not allowed to make ANY accusations of racism and bigotry against people, especially if they are white.

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy stated “ learn that just because she is black, they can’t throw out these accusations of racism and bigotry against people – who don’t give them what they want or do things the way they want. ”

So according to Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy reasoning that every time the Applicant enforced her right to refuse entry due to improper notice, or complained about her behaviour to her bosses Alto Properties Inc. owners and finally said that enough was enough in regards to her own racist and prejudice behaviour towards her.

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy concluded that it was only because the “ Black ” Applicant was “ Black ”  and was trying to use her skin tone as a tool “ against people ( whites? ) who don’t give them what they want or do things the way they want. ”

And that the “ Black ” Applicant was also using her skin tone as a  “ fall back to intimidate me ( Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy ) to do things their way ”

This evidence supplied by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy, in her own documents and words, along with the numerous amounts of attempts to inconvenience the Applicant and her family. Her racist and prejudice motives towards the “ Black ” Applicant and her family cannot be sluffed off anymore as just a simple misunderstanding or misreading of the situation.

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy stated she would “ love to take them (“ Black ” Applicant and her husband ) to the tribunal and have an adjudicator see how they talk and the accusation they make against me. ”

By this point the only standard of proof that can be only interrupted is that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy only had one thing on her mind when hoping to file with the Landlord Tenant Board. She was solely motivated by a bias and prejudice against the skin tone of the “ Black ” Applicant. 

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy wanted to use the Landlord Tenant Board  to help her teach the “ Black “  Applicant to “ learn “ that she was no longer going to take this “ laying down anymore ”.

That just because the Applicant was “ Black ” Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was now going to retaliate against her for throwing “ out these allegations of racism and bigotry against ” her in letters addressed to her bosses.

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was going to get  the one of the eight tribunals that make up Social Justice Tribunals Ontario, the Landlord Tenant Board to do her bidding to make the “ Black”  Applicant “ stop ”.

Now there could be some misinterpretation by the Human Right Tribunal as to what Tribunal Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was referring to.

Was Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy referring to the Human Rights Tribunal when she stated “ I would love to take them to the tribunal and have an adjudicator see how they talk and the accusation they make against me. “  Or was she referring to the Landlord and Tenant Board, which is one of the eight tribunals that make up Social Justice Tribunals Ontario?

At first glance it appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy might be referring to the Human Rights Tribunal as it sounds like she wants to clear her name of being a racist and a bigot.

But upon reviewing her statement “  Sorry Anthony, I can’t take this lying down anymore and I filed a personal complaint with the Human Rights against them for their behaviour. It is already gone as it was the first thing I did when I got home. “

Cleary this shows that she had already filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal, therefore why would she need to state “ I WOULD love to take them to the tribunal? “

At this point Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy would now state – I LOOK forward to taking them to the tribunal and have an adjudicator see how they talk and the accusation they make against me.

So it is at this point a plan is hatched and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy is give permission to finally try and have the Applicant and her family removed from the building.