Cindy Jones sells out Stella Reddy

Cindy Jones is Stella Reddy sister.

This video shows how Stella Reddy who was not at the time the property manager shared the building surveillance system video with her sister Cindy Jones who also lived in the same building, just down the hall from her.

The building surveillance system video was only accessible to the building staff and the owners Luigi Liscio and his son Anthony Liscio.

In the video taken at the interracial married couple / tenants unit. You can see the guest puts the phone on speaker so all can hear it. On the phone is Cindy Jones who is going completely insane and is beside herself, while she is yelling at the top of her voice at her boyfriend.


Cindy Jones is freaking out because her boyfriend ( guest ) is speaking too and hang-out with an interracial married couple / tenants on the first floor ( lobby ) and in their apartment, which is one floor below her and her sisters floor.

Again this is Stella Reddy sharing with a tenant the STAFF ONLY building surveillance system video of other tenants living in the building.

Because of Stella Reddy’s self-admitted stalking behavior and her husband Russell Reddy’s stalking and enabling behavior. the interracial married couple / tenants and their children had to move out.

Stella Reddy has openly admitted to stalking our family in legal documents.