Statement of Facts – Part 4 – 9


( Referring to Document # 50) The Applicant receives a Notice of Enter from Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy for Terminix Canada to come to her unit the following day on September 2, 2016 between the hours of 1:00pm to 5:00pm.

It needs to be note that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy did not place the Notice of Entry on the unit door until sometime after 9:30 am when the Applicants husband got home from taking the kids to school.

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy also could not be bothered to knock and stay or just walk away after knocking as to draw attention to the door. She could have also just slid the 1 page Notice of Entry under the Applicants door.

But instead what Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy decided to do was to balance it lightly between the door frame and the door handle of the front door of the unit we hope before 1:00pm.

Because of Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy quiet actions, It was not until 3:10pm when the Applicants husband went to pick up the kids from the school bus that he received the Noticed of Entry for the following day.

Now Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy may have technically served the Applicant within the proper time frame for the September 2, 2016 entry. But it again goes back to the pattern of why is it that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy tries to manipulate the situation so as the Applicant learns of it at the very last minute?

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy again choses to inform that Applicant about the Terminix Canada in the worse possible way. Resting in the door and walking away. No knock, no phone call, no email, no text, nothing.

It is clear that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy enjoys the idea and hopes that the Applicant wouldn’t learn of the scheduled appointment until the latest possible time and maybe that would allow for her to get into the Applicant unit unaccompanied.

Again Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy books an appointment at her own convenience and does it within a 1 day period. Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy could have booked it for the 5th, 6th or 7th and so on. Why was it so urgent that it had to be booked for the following day?


Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy and the pest control technician showed up at the Applicants apartment. The pest control technician was a short, mid-aged Asian gentleman.

The pest control technician entered the unit at the request of Applicants husband while Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy decided she would stand in the hallway and wait.

While inside the unit, the pest control technician looked around the kitchen area and was very impressed by the cleanliness and the steps that the family had taken to prevent roaches from spreading into their unit.

The Applicants husband had cocked every based board around the entire unit, all open food was in plastic containers, every hole that could be seen was cocked and there was roach powder everywhere (refrigerator, stove, cabinet tops, and base of closets, front door, and rads ect. )

In fact the pest control technician was so impressed, that when he left the unit to meet Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy in the hallway, he stated “ this is one of the best units I has ever seen in regards to pest control. “  and that she was “ lucky to have such tenants in her building. ”

The pest control technician stated “ if everyone was a concerned as this family is about roaches, you would have absolutely no issues in this building. ” The pest control technician then turned to the Applicants husband and said “ good job. ”

This interaction went without any issues between the Applicants husband and the pest control technician.

At that point, instead of Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy just walking away with the pest control technician. Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy decided to stand in the hallway and lecture the Applicants husband about the consequences and hazards of using roach powder in the unit.

Why did Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy suddenly feel the need to lecture the Applicants husband about roach powder and the use of it?

Does Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy considers herself a pest control expect who is qualified to provide lectures on such issues like the health and safety uses of roach powder?

Why didn’t the pest control technician get involved in the conversation and mention that he, himself had concerns about the unit and the “ over powdering ” as he was the only one in the unit and who actually seen it?

Let us remember that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy decided that she was not going to enter the unit and decided that she was going to stand in the hallway and wait. And still somehow she knew that the Applicants unit was being “ over powdered ” and that she needed to lecture the Applicants husband on the consequences of their actions.

Again it appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was trying to accomplish two things during this interaction with the Applicants husband.

She was trying to reinforce how smart she is in regards to being a superintendent and how much knowledge she had acquired over her 16 or 20 years as a “ super attendant here in Canada, “ and/or

By talking down to the Applicants husband in the presence of the pest control technician as if he was stupid, uneducated and did not have the common sense to read the back of the roach powder bottle before using it.  She was trying to provoke a negative response out of him hoping that she could later use to help justify the removal of the Applicant and her family as an interference issue on another N5.

In fact Applicants husband did inform Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy that he did read the instruction and warning label on the back of the bottle and was well aware of any risk.


DIRECTION FOR HOUSES: Lightly coat the areas where the insects crawl and hide such as cracks and crevices, underneath built-ins, around pipes and drains, in storage cabinets, behind medicine cabinets, in electrical outlet boxes, garbage cans and in attics and basements. Repeat as necessary, probably once a month. Contact insects directly with the dust when possible. Do not dust pets. Bed bugs: dust both side of mattress and beds. Fleas: thoroughly dust sleeping quarters of pets and floors. “

PERCAUCTIONS: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN, Avoid inhalation of dust. Wash hands and other exposed skin after handling.

TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMAYTION: Skin contact and inhalation may be allergic to sensitive people. “

By the time the above interaction took place between Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy and the Applicants husband. The Applicant and her husband could very much see that due to Alto Properties Inc. lack of concern, and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy actions, they were now trying to build grounds to have them evicted from the building.

Also Applicant and her husband figured that from the previous actions of Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy, she was trying her best to make the environment around the family so uncomfortable and inconvenient so the Applicant and her family would just get tired of it all, and move out as noted in the Applicants emailed letter dated August 31, 2016. “ I have to say that from the moment I met you, I had a strange feeling that you had some kind of issue with me. You asked inappropriate questions, at first you refused to accept my rent on the grounds that you “ were not comfortable: with taking it, and then the excuse changed to it was “ a liability issue “ Now there is the issue of Louie ( Luigi ) Antonio ( Anthony ) and yourself ( Stella Reddy ) placing a camera that looks into my unit and takes pictures. Add this threating and intimidating N5 evection legal document that is based on information the 3 of you (Alto Properties Inc. owners Luigi Liscio and son Anthony Liscio and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy Stella Reddy )  know is deliberately inaccurate and false. Has only strengthened my beliefs that I am being targeted by the 3 of you. ”

OCTOBER 4, 2016

( Referring to Document # 51) On this day Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy completed a yearly inspection of the Applicant’s unit. At that time the Applicants husband was home during the inspection and showed Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy all the problems with in the unit that have existed since August 2015 that still have not been repaired.

  • Missing outside storm window
  • Bathroom ceiling
  • Stove not working

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy stated she “ will need to have a contractor come in to fix the bathroom ceiling and Russell will be by Friday to measure the missing window so I can give the measurement to the glass company. ”

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy also stated that she “ will work on getting another stove for you immediately. ”

This interaction between Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy and the Applicants husband went without any issues.

OCTOBER 7, 2016

( Referring to Document # 52) Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy husband, Russell Reddy showed up at the Applicants unit and measured the missing outside storm window that needed to be replaced.

The Applicants husband and Alto Properties Inc. employee Russell Reddy had a brief discussion about the bathroom ceiling and when they can expect a contractor in to fix it.

This interaction between Alto Properties Inc. employee Russell Reddy and the Applicants husband went without any issues.

OCTOBER 11, 2016

( Referring to Document # 53 ) – The Applicant and her family find a letter in their mailbox by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy stating that there will be an annual fire inspection on October 19, 2016 between 9:00am and 5:00pm.   

OCTOBER 12, 2016

( Referring to Document # 54 ) Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy serves the Applicant with a Notice of Entry for Annual Fire Inspection for October 19, 2016, even though there was a previous Annual Fire Inspection of the entire building 4 months earlier in June 2016 that was done by Alto Properties Inc. employee Angie and her husband Alto Properties Inc. employee Chris.

OCTOBER 14, 2016

( Referring to Document # 55 ) Two days later, Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy now serves the Applicant another Notice of Entry dated for October 17, 2016 between 9:00am and 5:00pm to again measure and replace the missing outside storm window.

October 17, 2016

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy and Ace Glass technician were supposed to attend the Applicants unit to measure and replace the missing outside storm window between the hours of 9:00am and 12:00pm.

The Applicants husband waited inside the unit from 9:00am to 11:30am when he had to run down the street ( Kennedy Road ) to take his daughter her lunch that she forgot when leaving that morning to catch the bus for   school.

Upon leaving the unit at 11:30am the Applicants husband placed a yellow stick it/post it note on the unit door stating “ Sorry, be right back, daughter forgot lunch ” 

When the Applicants husband returned to the unit at 11:40am, he noticed that the stick it/post it note was still on the door and no one was waiting for him and there was nothing else was present.

At 1:30pm the Applicants husband again left the unit to go to All Premium to get some meat for the family’s dinner that night.

When the Applicant returned at 2:40pm he noticed Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy sitting in the office on the computer, listening to the radio. After he entered the unit, he noted the time because he realized that had only 20 minutes before he had to go and meet with a lunchroom staffer named Val from the kids school, where he would also be picking up his children from the school bus around the corner at 3:10pm.

At 3:00pm as the Applicants husband left the unit early and as he opened the unit door and a fold piece of paper fall onto the floor in the hallway.

( Referring to Document # 56 ) The Applicants husband picked up the paper, opened it and realized that it was a 2nd Notice of Entry dated for the very next day – October 18, 2016 for Ace Glass between the hours again of 9:00am and 12:00pm.

On the 2nd Notice of Entry Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy stated “ Due to scheduling with their contractors. They had to reschedule for tomorrow. “

The Applicants husband thinking about his timeline form earlier that day, the Applicants husband realized that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy had to have served the 2nd Notice of Entry sometime after he returned from the grocery store no earlier than 2:40pm, and no later than 2:59pm.

This meant that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was again requesting entry in the Applicants unit without EVER GIVING THE APPLICANT THE REQUIRED 24 HOURS PROPER NOTICE as mandated by the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act when requesting entry into a unit that day.

Like on August 29, 2016, it once again appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy had more than enough time and working options to inform the Applicant of the cancelation by Ace Glass throughout the day, but instead Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy chose not to inform the Applicant no less than 2 hours and 40 minutes at the earliest time after the schedule time frame had pasted.

At this time Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy can no longer say she could not find a working phone number for the Applicant, therefore she could not have texted her, called her, emailed her or even came to the unit and just knocked on the door and spoke to Applicant or whoever answered the door or simple just slide a note under the door explaining the situation.

But yet once again, it appears just like on August 29, 2016, Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy just enjoyed the idea of deliberately inconvenience the Applicant and her family by making them sit around waiting for 3 hours for an appointment that again only she knew was never going to happen that day.

Note: The statement “  Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy just enjoyed the idea of deliberately inconvenience the Applicant and her family by making them sit around waiting for 3 hours for an appointment that again only she knew was never going to happen that day.” above will be confirmed as factual on October 20, 2016.

The Applicant and her husband at this time began to wonder if Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy even booked an appointment for the day? It seemed like a very strange coincidence that on 2 different occasions, two different professional companies had to cancel at the last minute, unexpectedly after being book so many days in advance.

Again it appears just like August 29, 2016, that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy enjoyed trying to deliberately inconvenience and stress the Applicant and her husband by rescheduling appointments for the very next day ( back to back ) without even trying to be cooperative, polite or have the common decency to inquire if the Applicant could be around that next day, as it was under the 24 hour time period that is mandated by the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act

So again, why is it that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy not;

  • Knocked on door?
  • Slide a note under the door?
  • Call the Applicant?
  • Text the Applicant?
  • Email the Applicant?
  • Tell the Applicants husband as he came into the building at 2:40pm?

Was it, as it appears that again Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was hoping that the Applicant or her husband could not be presence the following day after she took it upon herself to reschedule the return of Ace Glass for the following day? 

Was Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was hoping that this could be another great opportunity for her get into the Applicants unit without anyone being present so she could look around and report back to Alto Properties Inc. owner Luigi Liscio and his son Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio on what she had seen and found?

It could appear that maybe Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was hoping the Applicant would refuse them entry so she could serve her with a second illegal N5 – Notice to End your Tenancy for Interfering with others, Damage or overcrowding with in a 7day period as a way to continue to build a case to have the Applicant and her family removed from the building.

It does appear that again Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was deliberately inconvenience the Applicant and her family by rescheduling Ace Glass the following day without even considering the idea of just consulting with the Applicant to see if it works for her, since it was under the 24 hour time period as mandated by the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act.

With the rescheduling by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy of Ace Glass the following day. The Applicant and her husband realized that this was almost the exact duplicate situation like the Terminix Canada scheduling issues back on August 29, 2016. 

( Referring to Document # 57, 58 ) That night at 6:38pm the Applicant forwarded a letter via an email to Alto Properties Inc. owners Luigi Liscio and his son Anthony Liscio and employee Stella Reddy addressing once again her concerns in regards to their deliberately inability and willingness to cooperate or to be reasonable. 

The Applicant stated “ I am forwarding this email to inform you that I will not be allowing you access to my unit ( 303 ) on October 18, 2016 as you have request to once again look at replacing the window that you have not been able to fix since I first requested it in or about September 2015. Once again you set the time and the date for your convenience, and once again you failed to show up as scheduled. In the future I will inform you when I will be able to allow you access to my unit regarding the window. As this is not an emergency issue, there is certainly no sense of urgency that would require it to be done immediately which would inconvenience me and family. ”

The Applicant did not provided any reason for not allowing the Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy and Ace Glass access to her unit, nor did she have to. Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy’s Notice of Entry clearly could not have fallen under the 24 hour time period as mandated by the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act.

The Applicant also addressed the issue of a 2nd annual fire inspection within a 4 month period. The Applicant stated “ In regards to the fire inspection dated for October 19, 2016. The previous super attendants ( Angie and Chris) have already performed this same fire inspection ( smoke detectors ) in or about June of 2016 changing the batteries. There is no absolutely no need for a second inspection in my unit within a 4 month time period. “

Please note that the word Annual that is placed in the City of Toronto and/or Fire Marshal bylaws for testing, meaning it is required only 1 time a year.

Annual is defined as – occurring once every year.

What Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was performing would be considered a Semi-Annual fire inspection of the Applicants unit which is not required by the City of Toronto or Fire Marshall Office.

Semi-Annual is defined as – occurring twice a year; half-yearly.

( Referring to Document # 54 ) Even Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy acknowledges and refers to it as “ Annual Fire Inspection ” on the Notice of Entry dated for October 19, 2016.

The Applicant goes on to address the issue of how it appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy is just setting dates at her own convenience and could not be bothered to have the common decency or the respect to even at least TRY ONCE, to work with the Applicant and her family in regards to these off-the-cuff appointments she sets.

The Applicant stated “ I have given you access to my unit on 3 separate occasions already within the last month and half, and each time you have made no attempts to try and accommodate myself or my family in regards to the time and dates and if they worked for us or not. ”


“ It also again appears to me that you are also deliberately screwing up dates in hopes of again trying to get into my unit alone without someone being there. I am not sure what your fascination is with getting into my unit unattended? “

The Applicant also clearly stated that she was tired of people coming in and out of the unit and nothing getting done. She was also tired of Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy setting up appointments for her own convenience and then no one shows up and that she is never giving any form of notice or update of the cancellation until the scheduled time has expired even though there is enough time and reliable working methods to get in contact with the her.

Instead Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy always choses the most inconvenient way to contact the Applicant, and it is always after the scheduled time frame has passes.

“Obviously you are not capable of, or just don’t care about what myself and family have planned for the week enough to following up with contractors and informing me in a properly, professional or even in a reasonable manner of any “sudden” changes. So from this date forward we will work together to ensure that things are done properly and respectfully of everyone schedules and rights. ”

OCTOBER 18, 2016

( Referring to Document # 59-60-61-62-63-64-65-66-67-68-69 ) The following day after getting the Applicants letter refusing Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy entry for her semi-annual fire inspection, and for the under 24 hour time period – Notice of Entry.  Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy is now more than willing and is selectively and conveniently now is able to use the Applicants email address to communicate with her.

( Referring to Document # 59 ) Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy at 8:18am stated  “Good Morning Ms. Read, Thank you for the attached letter that we received last evening. If it is agreeable with you, Mr. Anthony Liscio of Alto Properties Inc. would like to meet with you to discuss this matter, today around 6:00 pm, in the office located in the lobby of the building. If this is acceptable with you, please let us know. ”

( Referring to Document # 60 ) The Applicant replies in an email at 8:27am – “ Hello, Anthony is more than welcome to come to my house any time after 7:15 when I get home to speak to me. Please let me know if that works for him. ”

( Referring to Document # 61 ) Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy replies in an email at 8:48am –        “ After hearing back from Mr. Liscio the time of 7:15 pm is good for him, but he would prefer the meeting be held in the office. Is this ok with you? ”

( Referring to Document # 62 ) The Applicant replies in an email at 8:49am – “ I would prefer my home. Is this ok with him? ”

( Referring to Document # 63, 64 ) Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy replies in an email at 9:51am – “ Upon speaking with Mr. Liscio, meeting in your apartment is not a preferred meeting place for a business matter and as such he would prefer meeting in the office, as it is there for this purpose. He hopes that you would understand this requirement. ”

( Referring to Document # 65, 66 ) The Applicant replies in an email response at 10:10am – “ Sorry, but I am not comfortable with that environment and it does not work for me or my family. If you wish to email with your concerns please feel free to forward it to me. I have already expressed my concerns in my letter. As you are the requesting a meeting with me, I am comfortable with no meeting at all. ”

( Referring to Document # 67, 68, 69 ) Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy replies in an email response at 12:12pm – “ Please understand that Mr. Liscio cannot accommodate your request to hold a meeting in your apartment. As a meeting place cannot be agreed upon, the meeting is now cancelled. ”

So at this time we are going to go through the email exchange between the Applicant and Anthony Liscio ( via  Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy )

( Referring to Document # 59 )  In the first email sent to the Applicant at 8:18am by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy, she  clearly stated  

“ If it is agreeable with you, ”

“ If this is acceptable with you, ”

( Referring to Document # 61 ) In the second email sent to the Applicant at 8:48am by Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy, she clearly stated 

“ but he would prefer the meeting be held in the office. Is this ok with you? “

It is clear in the first 2 emails that the Applicant has been given the option 3 times to choose if she wishes to attend the office for a meeting or not.

The Applicant chooses not to go based on her previous experiences which always ended with someone trying to intimidate and threaten her into compliance with threats of eviction.

( Referring to Document # 60, 62 ) So the Applicant twice offers an alternative solution and that is have the meeting in her home verses the office.

  • “ Hello, Anthony is more than welcome to come to my house any time after 7:15 when I get home to   speak to me. ”
  • “ I would prefer my home. ”

( Referring to Document # 63, 64 ) Alto Properties Inc. Owner Anthony Liscio replies via Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy  “ Upon speaking with Mr. Liscio, meeting in your apartment is not a preferred meeting place for a business matter and as such he would prefer meeting in the office, as it is there for this purpose. He hopes that you would understand this requirement. ”

So by this point we can see that Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio replies via Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy that he feels that his preferences and understanding are more important and take priority over that of Applicants.

( Referring to Document # 63, 64 ) We also now begin to see that suddenly in the third email the meeting, they now try an bully the Applicant into compliance by stating it is now a “ requirement ” to have the meeting in the office and that her home is not an option.

At this point Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio replies via Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy  has basically informed the Applicant that if she wishes to get her concerns heard and maybe addressed, she has no other option other than she MUST attend the “ required ” office meeting.

So why was Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy so committed and absorbed with the idea of the Applicant attending a meeting in the office?

Did Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy hatch some kind of plan on how they could ambush the Applicant by putting her in an environment where she was uncomfortable and unaware off, so they could try to again intimidate and threaten her into silence with threats of eviction?

( Referring to Document # 65, 66 ) And for these above reasons the Applicant replies “ Sorry, but I am not comfortable with that environment and it does not work for me or my family. ”

It appears what Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy were not trying to do is address the issues brought forward in the Applicants letter, but they we trying to establish some form or argument for the Landlord Tenant Board in advance that they were trying to cooperate in resolving these above issues.

So instead of Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy trying to be cooperative and reasonable with the Applicant. They tried to pigeonhole her into a meeting that they knowingly knew was never going to happen in their “ required ” office.

So what was it that was preventing Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio from attending the Applicants unit for the meeting? 

What the Applicant and her husband found interesting is that the Alto Properties Inc. office at the time was so small that there was no way that Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy, the Applicant, her husband and their two young children could have logically fit into the office.

Again, was this situation of cramped everyone inside something that Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy thought about and were anticipating when insisting on the             “ required “ office meeting?

Did Alto Properties Inc. owner Anthony Liscio and Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy think that by cramming everyone into such small quarters, they could ambush the Applicant so they could try to again intimidate and threaten her into silence with a threat of eviction?

After the Applicants last email where she stated “ Sorry, but I am not comfortable with that environment and it does not work for me or my family. ” “

( Referring to Document # 67, 68, 69. 70 ) Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy replies at 12:12pm “ Please understand that Mr. Liscio cannot accommodate your request to hold a meeting in your apartment. As a meeting place cannot be agreed upon, the meeting is now cancelled. ”

Later that same day, Ace Glass again cancels for the 2nd day in a row their appointment to replace the Applicants outside storm window in her living room.

Ace Glass sends Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy an email at 8:33am that stated “ Please note we are a small Family business. The glass technician that was scheduled to do the job. Called in to inform us he had to remain home due to one of children had failing ill, had no other option but to remain Home. Thanks Mario”

So as a refresher, it has been established that Ace Glass cancelled both their appointments to replace the Applicants storm window, two days in a row. 

( Referring to Document # 56 ) The 1st was “ Due to scheduling with their contractors “  according to Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy own hand written note.

( Referring to Document # 70 ) The 2nd appointment was cancelled due to “ glass technician “ child “ failing ill “ which would have obviously be unscheduled, as no one can schedule their child to be sick.

Now let us note that Ace Glass informs Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy of the cancelation at 8:33am that day.

( Referring to Document # 60 )That is after right after the Applicants email at 8:27am – “ Hello, Anthony is more than welcome to come to my house any time after 7:15 when I get home to speak to me. Please let me know if that works for him. “

( Referring to Document # 61 ) And before Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy reply email at 8:48am “ After hearing back from Mr. Liscio the time of 7:15 pm is good for him, but he would prefer the meeting be held in the office. Is this ok with you? “

And it is also subsequently before;

  • The Applicants email at 8:49am
  • Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy’s 2 page email at 9:51am
  • The Applicants email at 10:10am
  • And Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy’s 3 page email at 12:12pm

So the question is, at what time was Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy going to tell the Applicant the appointment was cancelled? Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy had 2 separate opportunities 8:49am, 10:10am to view the email when reviewing the emails sent by the Applicant.

Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy also had 3 separate opportunities 8:48am, 9:51am and 12:12pm to view the email sent by Ace Glass while sending her own emails to Applicant.

Now Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy is going to make the argument that the Applicant stated in her letter to Alto Properties Inc. owners Luigi Liscio and his son Anthony Liscio and herself from the night before “ I am forwarding this email to inform you that I will not be allowing you access to my unit ( 303 ) on October 18, 2016 as you have request to once again look at replacing the window that you have not been able to fix since I first requested it in or about September 2015. Once again you set the time and the date for your convince, and once again you failed to show up as scheduled. ”

So upon Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy receiving the letter the night before, one is curious as to why she didn’t call Ace Glass and cancel the appointment.

If Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was unable to reach a physical person, there is a good chance that at a minimum, a professional business like Ace Glass would a have a voicemail system in place to record messages for just this situation.

And if Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy did intend to call that day, at what time did she intended to do it?

It was already 8:33am that same day and they were scheduled to arrive between 9:00 and 12:00pm. How did Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy know that Ace Glass would not be showing up before or at 9:00am as to make sure the job gets done A.S.A.P. as a curtesy and professionalism for their rumoured cancelation from the day before?

Again it is obvious that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy never called Ace Glass to cancel, nor could she have been bothered to email them, but why?

What we do know is that again, Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy tries to portray the Applicant as being uncooperative and unreasonable only because the Applicant wants to enforce her rights FOR THE REQUIRED 24 HOURS PROPER NOTICE which are mandated by the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act.

Again it appears that Alto Properties Inc. employee Stella Reddy was going to seize this opportunity to create a situation where she could file another illegal N5 – Notice to End your Tenancy for Interfering with others, Damage or overcrowding as a way to continue to build a case to have the Applicant and her family removed from the building.