Stella Reddy thinks this is normal behavior!

Here is a list of 47 email addresses from which Stella Reddy has contacted our family over the years. Her persistent attempts to reach us reveal a troubling pattern of instability. When her emails are blocked, rather than accepting the boundary and moving on, she creates new, fictitious email addresses to continue her intrusion.

Stella reddy’s behavior clealry demonstrates a deeply unstable personality. Stella Reddy doesn’t just try to contact us; she goes to extreme lengths to pretend to be different individuals. He deep need to try and establish contact, coupled with her ability to fabricate identities, highlights her erratic and narcissistic tendencies. Stella Reddy’s actions are a clear sign of someone who is unstable but needs serous medical attention.

I see you are attempting to start again with your websites against Stella Reddy. I truly do not know what you hope to accomplish, but there isn’t anything you can say that Stella Reddy hasn’t already said on her site. I believe her over you any day! The purpose of Stella Reddy creating her domain was to discredit anything you could ever write about her. She shares all you have said and done and her reaction to it all. Generally, people tend to believe the actual person, not what some random stranger has to say. You are a narcissist and your choice of words proves that, as it is a classic response. I see Stella Reddy is taking it as a compliment, as she should. Bullies need to be exposed for who they are and for what they do

I found your site online from and I have some questions that I hope you will answer. I am writing thru this email as I prefer to keep my name private right now. I don’t trust you for some reason.

“stella reddy is going crazy” is a classic response by a narcissistic person looking to terrorize someone. Are you a narcissist, out for revenge? Or Are you a trained professional, who has a degree in psychology? Even a psychologist to say such a thing with such conviction about this person? Or is this website just as a threat, implying that you will be “back online soon”, but have no intentions of doing that? Is this an attempt to affect this person on an emotional level, if so for what reason? You make unsubstantiated allegations of racism, and provide no evidence of such things, therefore I can only conclude you are lying, out for revenge for evicting you. Yes, I know who you are, everyone does by now. You can’t hide your name on legal documents shared online for everyone to see. I believe in the legal documents more than I would you and I am sure so will everyone else interested in this story.

I got your email from and thought to reach out to you as I know this person, she use to work in a rental building I lived in before in East Hamilton in 2004. I was evicted too by that person, she said for nonpayment of rent, but she lied. I provided receipts showing I paid but they evicted me anyway. She cheated and kept my money herself I believe though I have no proof. Did you get any satisfaction after against her? I don’t see anything. I prefer not to give you my name but I too was a victim of Stella Reddy and her lies.

Sublect: Anonymousemail – Request

Hello, A user has requested to contact you anonymously through our service. To accept, click the link below. Otherwise, you can disregard this email. ( I had to delete the actual link to prevent anyone from trying.)

Please be aware that by accepting, you agree to receive emails of any nature from any user utilizing our service, and you forfeit the right to contact us regarding this matter.

Best regards,

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As stalker Stella continues to try and make contact with the family after posting this page, is clear evidenced by her latest message, clearly highlights her desperation. She tried to deceive them by directing them to click on a suspicious link to read an email. The fact that Stella Reddy believed anyone would blindly click such a link underscores her increasing instability. Despite this, her husband has consistently failed to intervene or address her behavior over the years.

And this is a daily occurrence, revealing just a small fraction of Stella Reddy’s madness. It shows that while she is quick to bully others, she cannot handle being bullied herself and now feels powerless to stop it. As an unstable narcissist, Stella Reddy resorts to playing the victim through an imaginary third party. This is the kind of erratic behavior she has exhibited for years!

So when you deliberately go out of your way to evict a family with young children for no reason other than a Black woman standing her ground and challenging you over a simple rent issue, this is what you get. From the beginning, the racist and unstable Stella Reddy thought she could bully a racialized female. And when the female and her husband stood their ground and challenged her behaviour, she got her equally racist bosses, Luigi Liscio and his son Anthony Liscio, to eventually evict them.

The irony is that when the family finally moved, Stella Reddy was immediately fired and had no choice but to run back to Newfoundland because she couldn’t make it in the big city.

There’s a saying: one should be careful what you put out into the universe because you get back what you put out. Eight years later, the racist and bully Stella Reddy and her enabler husband Russell Reddy are sitting in their basement apartment, regretting the whole situation. This is why Stella Reddy continues to send these types of emails, begging for communication with the family. So sad, so very sad, but that’s karma for you!